Sarah Anderson, Global Economy Project - Institute for Policy Studies, joins Thom Hartmann. Walmart already costs American taxpayers millions of dollars each year thanks to its extremely low...
Republicans in Washington are continuing their attacks over the Obama administration's decision to hand over 5 Taliban members in return for US Army Sargent Bowe Bergdahl. Is this Republican...
Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" discusses the GOP's latest obsession (freeing a U.S. POW), Ted Cruz's push to do away with any campaign contribution limits and the $1000 reward offered by...
From the Fight for 15 to the fast food strikes across the nation - Americans are saying enough is enough - and are fighting to bring back the unions and robust middle class that once made our...
Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Move To Amend joins Thom Hartmann. The grassroots effort to overturn the Supreme Court's devestating Citizen's United decision has come to Washington. What happened...
Dr. Michael Mann, Earth System Science Center-Penn State University / The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars joins Thom Hartmann. Just a day after the EPA unveiled President Obama's plan to...