The Good - The Bad - and the Very Very Impignorately Ugly.
No one will ever think of "shower head" the same way again.
Tyson Slocum, Public Citizen's Energy Program joins Thom Hartmann.
Wayne Allyn Root, The Murder of the Middle Class & David Almasi, National Center for Public Policy Research join Thom Hartmann.
Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" discusses Obama's defense of DC's marijuana decriminalization law, the child migrant crisis at the border and the rise of right-wing extremism. Thom discusses...
Hughey Newsome, Project 21 / & Nate Sweet, Progressive Commentator & Patrick Hedger, American Encore joins Thom Hartmann.
Patrick J. Buchanan, The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose from Defeat to Create the New Majority talks to Thom.
The Judicial Monarchy Patrick J. Buchanan, The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose from Defeat to Create the New Majority talks to Thom.
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