Gianno Caldwell, Caldwell Strategic Consulting & Sarah Badawi, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) & Brian Darling, Third Dimension Strategies Plus, Special Guests: Richard Eskow, Campaign for America's Future/The Zero Hour (radio) & Brendan Fischer, The Center for Media & Democracy/ALEC Exposed all join Thom. Scott Walker - the current Wisconsin governor and Koch candidate for the presidency - stopped at a local pizza shop in New Hampshire yesterday. He was greeted by what appeared to be a group of supporters asking to take a picture with the candidate while they held a sign that said "Walker 4 President." But when it came time to take the picture - the would-be supporter turned the sign around to reveal a 9 hundred million check from the Koch brothers. The man holding the sign - Tyler McFarland - then told Walker "I'd like to present you with this check from the Koch brothers for climate denial."