The Good! Seth Collins! When Seth's brother Aaron passed away last year - he had only one request, that his Seth "leave an awesome tip" - around 500 dollars ...
Lee Fang, The Nation / "The Machine: A Field Guide to the Resurgent Right," joins Thom Hartmann. We should be paying more attention to the Prison Industrial ...
Jeff Cohen, Park Center for Independent Media, joins Thom Hartmann. A new study out says that a majority of Americans prefer Fox So-Called News over other ma...
Horace Cooper, National Center for Public Policy Research & Vince Coglianese, The Daily Caller While Georgia is getting ready to execute a mentally challenge...
WalMart makes nearly $35000 per minute in profit - its CEO made $20 million last year and the Walton family controls more wealth than 42 percent of American...
Thom talks with Media Critic and Professor Jeff Cohen on the alarming new poll that most Americans get their news from Fox "So-Called" News and with "The Nat...
The atrocities of war and the reality of violence are lost on the American people - thanks to a corporate media that refuses to put a human face on our viole...