The U.S. call center industry has lost 500,000 jobs over the last six years thanks to corporations like Bank of America, Well Fargo, and T-Mobile outsourcing Americans jobs to foreign countries where they can exploit low-wage workers.
But on Tuesday, Republicans in the House had a chance to put an end to this giant sucking sound by passing the U.S. Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act, which would cut off federal loans and grants to corporations that outsource American call center jobs. Unfortunately for Americans workers, the bill failed as House Republicans lined up against it – voting it down, while most Democrats supported the bill.
The big four Wall Street banks have all moved their call centers to the Philippines in the last few years, laying off hundreds of thousands of American workers who bailed out the banks to the tune of a couple hundred billion dollars back in 2008.
Time to call your Member of Congress – especially if they’re a Republican – and ask why they support stimulating the Filipino economy over the American economy.