DiCaprio to star in JFK tale...based on the book about the John F. Kennedy assassination by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann.

DiCaprio to star in JFK tale

Assassination story based on book 'Legacy of Secrecy'

Leonardo DiCaprio will star in and produce the feature "Legacy of Secrecy," based on the book about the John F. Kennedy assassination by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann.

DiCaprio will produce through his Warner Bros.-based Appian Way banner with his father, George, who brought the book to his son's attention. Appian Way's Earl Katz will exec produce.

Warners, which handled Oliver Stone's "JFK" in 1991, is eyeing a possible 2013 release of "Legacy of Secrecy" coinciding with the 50th anni of President Kennedy's assassination.

DiCaprio is expected to play FBI informant Jack Van Laningham. The book -- whose full title is "Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination" -- asserts that Mafia godfather Carlos Marcello confessed to Van Laningham to having ordered JFK's assassination. As part of a dangerous and long-secret undercover operation, the FBI positioned Van Laningham to become confidant to Marcello, who ruled organized crime in Louisiana and most of Texas for decades.

"Legacy of Secrecy" includes information from declassified FBI files from the National Archives which details the FBI's clandestine operation with Van Laningham and Marcello's JFK confession. The book also included information from FBI and Secret Service files showing that more than a dozen of Marcello's associates and family members were questioned or arrested by authorities in assocation with the JFK assassination.Marcello, who died in 1993, has not yet been the subject of a feature film. Marcello's name did not appear in the 1964 Warren Report, but the 1979 House Select Committee on Assassinations said mobster Santo Trafficante and Marcello "had the motive, means, and opportunity to assassinate President Kennedy."

As part of Warner's deal for "Legacy of Secrecy," Waldron is retaining documentary film and TV rights to the book, which also says the Mafia played a role in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and in Watergate. Appian Way's Katz has been set to produce additional documentary films based on the book.

DiCaprio was last seen in "Inception." Appian Way's a producer on "Red Riding Hood," due out in March from Warners, and on the George Clooney-Ryan Gosling starrer "The Ides of March," currently in pre-production.


brian a hayes's picture
brian a hayes 13 years 42 weeks ago

this film can be a great opertunity for abraham bolden to find justice after all these years. i hope mr. bolden will be part of this movie

gerald's picture
gerald 13 years 41 weeks ago

Thom, it is a great achievement to have you and the co-author selected to film the book. You need to be careful so that the film company does not re-write history with a conservative slant.

actast's picture
actast 13 years 41 weeks ago

i really think you need to consider that the banking industry killed JFK or at least pulled the strings to get the black ops operation in motion.... executive order 11110 was ending the power of federal reserve. that is way more money at stake then anything with cuba and the mob business. the federal reserve is the most successful organized crime excerise in world history.

magee.jj123's picture
magee.jj123 13 years 41 weeks ago

I agree. Also check out Kennedy’s speech to the press club which stated there is a government under the government who is international in its scope and aims are counter to democracy. He was asking for the presses help in uncovering it. It didn't work. Give it a listen:


Kennedy was not killed by the mafia. They may have helped but they only helped. Let's look under the rocks that Kennedy was pointing to. I am sure we can find information of value about Kings passing, 9-11, and maybe even Paul Wellstone. It is time to take a serious look at what is truly beneath our government

Nikola Tesla's picture
Nikola Tesla 13 years 40 weeks ago

Its good to see some folks that frequent the liberal side of the conspiracy get some of the truth about the master manipulators' plan! But please don't allow the ends to be played against the middle, because that is how the TPTB win!

Ask yourself how the mafia could change the route of JFK's turn onto Elm St. at the last moment, & pulled off the guards at the airport, & hijacked the body away from Texas juriscdiction, on & on? Yes the mafia provided foot soldiers, but they were following orders from the agency that JFK threated to break apart into a thousand pieces, & regroup intelligencience gahtering under the military!

The silver certificates disappeared with JFK's murder.

Read the origins of the Federal Reserve, & how the maternal grand father of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller was the original sponsor of the Act, but it was defeated under his close association with Wall Street, but then counterfeit constutionalist, Clay, of Va., re-introduced it, & Wilson signed it into law, just like income tax, so the game was on to counterfeit, then tax into economic slavery everyone, but the chosen few! Who was the 1st. Fed Chairman?

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